Communicating Events
Class Dojo
This is our main day to day was of communicating with parents/carers. Both parents can have links but not having access to it will mean you miss lots of information.
Class Dojo has a translation function.
The messenger function allows parents/carers to freely contact you child's teacher or school office directly.
Staff have "silent hours" after 6pm in the evenings and at weekends so won't answer straight away.
At the beginning of the Autumn Term the school sends out a Year Planner with all major events listed including Sports Day, Reception Nativity, Class Assemblies and so on.
A monthly school newsletter is published on Class Dojo and our website but is also available as an email or printed copy, upon request. The newsletter includes information about what the pupils are doing in school, forthcoming events, feedback from the Multi-Academy Trust and any general messages.