The following link will tell you all that Somerset County Council can offer you to support your child if they have a special educational need and/or disability (SEND). This is known as 'Somerset's SEND Local Offer'.
Our SENCO is Miss Sarah Fitzsimmons.
If you click on the links below you can find out how we can support you and your child as a school. The SEN Information Report specifically tells you in more detail about how, why and what we do at Priorswood to support children who may have a special educational need and/or disability. We work together continually with our parents and they have helped us develop what we offer as a school.
Please feel free to telephone and/or book an appointment if you have any concerns or require further information
SEND Testimonials from Parents and Professionals
- You are an absolute angel thank you
- I just wanted to say thank so much for your help. Today (child) has been given their first appointment with Paediatrics for later this month. If it wasn't for your help (child) would have flown under the radar. Thank you so much.
- Thank you Kerry for your support truly so grateful and appreciate it all so much
- Thank you Kerry you’re a star.
- I appreciate you so much for every effort and support that you give to him well not just him all my children.
- You are just fantastic! Thank you Kerry!
- Aww that’s brill, I really hope so and I can not thank you enough for all of your help. I'm so lucky that we have you on our side.
- ‘Thank you for your support, enjoy your summer break.’
External Professionals- Partnership Working
- ‘Hi Kerry lovely to speak with you this morning and to hear about how well the children are supported at Priorswood…Keep up the great work…’ Autism and Communication Advisory Teacher.
- ‘Thank you so much for all this information, it was so nice to talk to you on Friday, I have a much better understanding of (Child).’ Paediatrician Musgrove Park Hospital.
- ‘Can I just thank you for all of the hard work and dedication that you have given to this child. You have gone above and beyond for ( child) and this has meant that we have been able to access the right support which has benefitted the whole family as a result. Your constant communication and attention to detail has been amazing.’ Social Worker -Children’s Social Care Somerset.
- ‘Thank you so much for all your help and support over the last few months…it has been lovely working with you.’ Somerset Phoenix Project Barnardos
- ‘Thanks for keeping in touch all year, it has been a pleasure working with you.’ Otterhead Forest School Manager
- ‘Many thanks for your detailed update, this is very reassuring and you are doing a great deal for (child)’ Community Paediatric Registrar
- ‘I have loved working with you and hope that we will work together again.’ Assistant Head Taunton Deane Partnership College- outreach support for vulnerable children
- ‘(child) has come so far during the past year because of individual and whole team dedication, partnership work at its best ! ’ Advisory HLTA Social, Emotional and Mental Health Partnership Team.
- ‘Always a pleasure working with you Kerry…’ Specialist AdvisoryTeacher Social, Emotional and Mental Health.