Friday 3rd March 2023
In Badger Class, we have been busy getting stuck into our 'Misty Mountain, Winding River' topic. We have been learning all about the different types of mountains, how they are formed and where some of the most famous mountains and rivers in the world are as well as the different parts of a river. We have created some wonderful pieces of work to showcase all of our new knowledge including fact files, reports and dome descriptive writing in our English unit. The book we are looking at is called 'The Rhythm of the Rain'.
We have also been looking at 'States of Matter' in Science. We had a lot of fun exploring lots of different 'tricky' materials to discover whether we think they are solids, liquids or gases. The shaving foam and toothpaste were especially difficult to categorise, although very fun! Some of the other exciting things we have been learning include Bollywood and Line Dancing in P.E. We used some of the new moves and skills we have learnt to perform our own routines in front of the rest of the class. They were very impressive!
Friday 9th December 2022
We’ve had a lovely few weeks in Badger class. Along with finishing off our Art project all about colour theory, we have been doing a Geography unit all about the interconnected world. We have looked at the different continents of the world, focusing mainly on North and South America and the different types of climates in the many countries. We did a little research project on what life is like in The United States of America, Canada, Ecuador and Brazil and found out lots of interesting facts about the cultures and ways of life.
We have started our new writing topic on ‘How to Train your Dragon’ so we have been enjoying reading this and getting to know the characters. One thing that has been really fun is our cricket sessions on a Monday morning!
Friday 18th November 2022
In Badger Class, we have started a new Art topic all about contrasting and complementing colours. We have been looking at which different groups of colours there are and what effect these might have in different pieces of art. We spent some time mixing up our own secondary and tertiary colours to match the colour wheel, which was a lot of fun.
We have also been taking part in some great cricket activities on a Monday morning and so far have practised our catching and batting skills. In our Writing, we have been busy studying the features of newspaper reports in readiness to write our own reports about the battle between Beowulf and Grendel's mother - a very exciting part of the story we have been focusing on.
Friday 30th September 2022
We've had a fantastic start to the year in Badger Class. We have been learning all about the Anglo-Saxons and the causes and consequences of their invasion in Britain. We were lucky enough to go on a trip to the Somerset Museum to take part in an Anglo-Saxon workshop. We did some Viking invasion roleplay, made our own runes out of clay and painted our own King Alfred reading jewels.
In Science, we have been investigating how food chains and food webs work and have created some of our own using our new knowledge.
Thursday 26th May 2022
Although a shorter term, that does not mean we have not been just as busy in Badger Class! We were very excited to start our Britain at War history topic this term where we have been learning all about World War 1 and how/ why it began. We had the amazing opportunity to go on a wonderful trip to the Rural Life Museum to take part in an Evacuee Experience which introduced us to World War 2, which we will be looking at in more detail after the half term.
We have also had opportunities to do lots of incredible things such as an art/ performance session for the Jubilee Jamboree. This involved us making our own puppets of The Queen, and learning and performing a dance routine in front of the other classes. Despite this being a nerve-wracking experience, we really enjoyed it. Another thing we really enjoyed was our Easter Cracked workshop at St Andrews Church.
We have been taking part in a range of different activities for Health Week this week such as Quidditch and Rugby, Morris Dancing and Martial Arts! We can't wait to come back after the half term and get stuck into our WW2 topic whilst also learning all about Evolution and Inheritance.
Friday 25th March 2022
We have had such a busy term in Badger Class already! We have been learning all about Ernest Shackleton's Antarctic expedition in our Curriculum and our English learning which we have really been enjoying. We were fascinated when we heard on the news that the shipwreck had been found! We can't wait to share our amazing writing based on this with you.
For our Frozen Kingdoms topic, we have moved on to look at Environmental Art. We have been looking at how different waste materials can be used to create pieces of art that send strong messages about issues in the environment such as plastic pollution in the ocean and global warming. We practised using lots of these different materials ready for our final art pieces this week. We have also loved finding out all about electricity and how circuits work and
Friday 21st January 2022
We are happy to be back and have had a very busy few weeks in Badger Class. We have started our new topic, ‘Frozen Kingdoms’, and have really enjoyed our learning so far. We have been looking at the different features of the Earth, and the characteristics of the Arctic and Antarctic circles. We went on an ‘expedition’ to one of these places where we did lots of research about the climate, wildlife and day/night. Our expedition reports made for some very interesting reading! We especially enjoyed using a gigantic inflatable globe to find out where these locations are, as well as about the different hemispheres and other features of the earth!
We have been getting stuck into a new story for our writing this term, our new book is called ‘Where Snow Angels Go’. We have had lots of amazing discussions about the book and are well on our way to writing our very own alternative ending. Another thing we have enjoyed doing so far is learning all about electricity and circuits. We have started to look at the different components of circuits and the different symbols that represent these. We can’t wait to find out even more!
Friday 17th December 2021
What a busy term we've had in Badger Class! From wolf intruders to science experiments, we have had lots of fun. Most recently, we have been exploring how the human heart and digestive system works (this is where we did an experiment exploring how our food is digested and turned into energy). Everybody in Badger Class has worked exceptionally hard over this term and we are all very impressed.
We hope you all have a wonderful Christmas break and a well-deserved rest ready for lots more in the coming year!
Thursday 25th November 2021
We have been busy in Badger class over the past few weeks. After the half-term, we spent a week focusing on how we can use our senses to create wonderful firework poems. We included lots of really exciting vocabulary in our poems and had lots of fun studying different pictures and videos of fireworks.
In our Maafa topic, we have been looking at the types of resistance that was displayed by the enslaved people on sugar plantations. We had a very in-depth discussion about the different types of resistance and even did some role-play and hot-seating in the class to portray these.
We have also taken part in some Remembrance Day activities where we produced beautiful acrostic poems and we also enjoyed an assembly talk on how to stay safe on a construction site. We have created some amazing posters to enter into the poster competition!
Friday 22nd October 2021
We have had a very exciting few weeks in Badger Class. Firstly, we had a very strange mystery to solve when we entered our classroom to find that it had been trashed by suspected wolves! We needed to collect evidence, interview witnesses and write a letter to the police asking for their help. We have also made a great start on our new curriculum topic and have been learning all about Henry the Navigator and Christopher Columbus. This week, we have taken part in some really exciting lessons learning all about Diwali; The Festival of Light. We look forward to returning after the half-term and starting our new English topic!
Friday 24th September 2021
We have had a fantastic start to the year in Badger Class. We have spent lots of time getting to know our new class animal and doing lots of research to figure out lots of different things about badgers such as their habitats, their diets and how they protect themselves. The children have produced some wonderful work from badger fact-files to food chain pyramids- something we have really enjoyed. One fact we have found amazing about a badger is how their sense of smell is 700 times stronger than ours!
We have started looking at a new text during English called ‘The Wolves in the Walls’, which we have already used to write our own letters from the perspective of a wolf who was living in a wall!
Badger Class Knowledge Organisers and Timetables |
Parent Leaflet Year 4 |
Parent Leaflet Year 5 |