Posted on: 6/04/2022Easter RaffleThank you to everyone who supported the school by purchasing a raffle ticket. The raffle would not have gone ahead and certainly wouldn't have contained the incredible prizes that were on offer had it not been down to our dedicated FoPS team! Thank you for rallying around either by getting the prizes together or by helping to sell the tickets. We have raised just over £400! It was decided during our last FoPS meeting, that the money raised would go towards the Year 6 end of year t-shirts and awards. We have done this every year and will continue this going forward. I would like FoPS fundraising money to continue to support and contribute towards yearly traditions like this as well as subsidising school trips. In addition to this, we raised £120 in our book sale. This will go towards developing reading in school. Thank you again for all your support and I look forward to the next FoPS event!Categories: 1 CategorySchool News