Posted on: 22/11/2019A message from Carly EllisI can’t believe we are coming to the end of November and we will soon be on the countdown to Christmas! Thank you to everyone who supported the collection for Children in Need. The children had a fun day! They enjoyed the copper race and although we didn’t manage to make a golden mile, we did manage to create a line measuring a whopping 126.4 metres! Well done to Stag class who managed to create a line measuring 40m. The Duck Race added extra cheer in our assembly that day as all the children watched in anticipation for their duck to win. The winner of the race was duck number 6. We raised a total of £285. Thank you to everyone who donated cakes and a special thank you to Robyn Clarke who spent endless hours and money baking a whole feast of cakes for the cake sale. We have also had a visit from 4life Martial Arts. We are pleased that there has been interest in this. The first session will be on Jan 8th. The children really enjoyed the assembly. The children have also had a visit from Andrew Powell-Thomas who is a local author. He introduced himself and his latest book, ‘A World of Colour’, to the children in assembly and then worked alongside Otter, Badger and Stag class. He was very impressed with the children. There will be a non-uniform day on the 2nd Dec and are asking for tombola donations for our Christmas Fair which will be held on 5th December. We thank you very much for your support. If you have any ideas for the fair please seek out a member of our FOPS team or share your ideas with a member of staff. FOPS will be discussing the fair in more detail on Monday. I appreciate that parking can be difficult but please can I remind parents not to drive/reverse out of our drive. Thank you for your support in this. There is a lot to look forward to next month! Please check the ‘Dates for your Diary’ section so that you do not miss out on the festivities.Categories: 1 CategorySchool News
Posted on: 14/11/2019Children in NeedChildren in Need Day is tomorrow! FOPs have kindly arranged to organise a cake sale after school. Any donations of cake, please hand into your class teacher on Friday morning and remember your money for your end of day treat. During the day we will also have lots of fun fundraising money with the children. We are going to try and create a golden mile of copper coins in the playground. Please bring in all your 1p and 2p coins to donate to the cause. Again hand them into your class teacher. We are also going to run our very own duck race through our forest school. We are asking children to come in non school uniform and bring in 50p to enter the duck race. The whole race will be filmed and played during Friday’s Assembly. Thanks for your support! We look forward to a fun day of activities, whilst raising money for a good cause.Categories: 1 CategorySchool News