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Posted on: 1/02/2021Priorswood Primary School Challenge their pupils during the recent lockdown
Priorswood Primary School are determined to keep their children engaged in their learning during the recent national lockdown. The school have been looking at different ways to entertain, motivate and encourage their pupils to stay busy and active. One of Priorswoods popular initiatives has been arranged by Mrs Cullen, who has been setting PE and Forest School challenges each week using the online Dojo app, an app that connects their teachers, students and parents and allows them to communicate with one another.
During the first week back the school looked at Andy Goldsworthy, British sculptor, photographer and environmentalist who inspired art for forest school and last week they created their own stickmen inspired by the Julia Donaldson's story, ‘Stickman’.
Mrs Cullen has prepared challenge cards from the PE Hub which has three challenges and they can choose each week which challenge they would like to complete. The children are then asked to send in their pictures via dojo messenger showing themselves completing the activities. Winners are chosen for each PE activity and a KS1 and KS2 winner is chosen for Forest School. To really motivate the children, winners are chosen for the best effort which is also announced on class DoJo and certificates and prizes are sent home as a special well done.
The Redstart Learning Partnership are absolutely delighted to see the fantastic initiative Priorswood are offering their pupils at home and are delighted to see the children so engaged in the activities. There are so many fabulous initiatives being offered by our other schools to our home educated pupils at this very difficult time. It is great to see so many pupils engaging and enjoying the challenges.
Mrs Cullen from Priorswood Primary said “The children are really enjoying being able to continue their PE and Forest School activities whilst at home, I am loving seeing their smiley faces whilst completing the challenges and feel that being able to stay active and get outside is hugely beneficial for the children's mental health and wellbeing, Feedback from parents has been really positive and they feel their children are really enjoying the challenges which is fantastic”.
Posted on: 29/01/2021A message from Caroline Lancey
29th January 2021
Dear All,
I have found this a really strange bulletin to write. The Central team at The Trust suggested that doing the newsletter as normal would be a good way to keep lines of communication open. However, with teachers turning up on your doorsteps once a week, coming into your homes twice daily and some of you having additional calls and zoom sessions, you probably are seeing more of us than you ever have before (and more than you would like to, most likely).
Remote learning
I am aware that the expectation this time round is much greater than it was last time and that it is very difficult to support your children at home. So, thank you for all your efforts, the teachers have been really impressed with the learning that is coming back each week. Many of our staff are in the same position as you, they are doing their work and trying to support their children’s home learning so, we completely understand. If you have any problems, please Dojo your child’s teacher via messenger. They have been quick to follow up with phone calls where children have struggled. If we could open the school to everyone we would; but at the moment, we are having to adhere to strict group numbers.
Thank you to those who filled in the parent survey.
96% of parents said their children were coping with the current situation.
100% felt the learning was being explained clearly.
91% felt their child was able to complete the work set each day.
87% said their child looked forward to the zoom sessions. A further 9% said they couldn’t access them but we have now arranged laptops to help them with this.
92% felt that the amount of learning was just right. The other 8% were split evenly between too much and too little. It is a very hard line to walk so it looks like for most of you we got it right.
100% felt that there was a good level of communication and feedback on their children’s learning.
We had lots of positive comments as well and where there were suggestions about how we could improve; somebody from the school has contacted those parent to seek a solution.
Covid Testing
As I am sure you are aware from the News, the staff (this is all staff including, teaching and support staff) are now being tested twice a week and reporting their result to the Government on-line.
Mr Arndell has very kindly reconditioned some laptops and donated them to the school. We haven’t got loads but if you feel your child would do better on a laptop rather than a phone let us know and we can lend them to you. They have Windows 10 on them but very little else. If you have WiFi or are happy to use your phone as a hot spot your child will be able to access the zoom meetings, the daily learning and sites such as MyMaths and Spelling Shed.
I can’t thank Mr Arndell enough it has been a great boost for us as we struggle with ICT in the school, so thank you.
Over half term we are hoping that the kitchen roof will be finished and a better extraction system installed.
The engineers are continuing to put in the piping and radiators that are needed for our new heating system. We are hoping that the new boiler will be installed over the Easter Holidays and the swap from the old heating system to the new will happen in April.
Posted on: 2/01/2021Covid 19 Update January 2021
2nd January 2021
Dear Parents and carers
Happy New Year and I hope you had a pleasant Christmas and I wish you all the best in the circumstances.
I am sure that you are all aware we are now in a Tier 4 region. We are NOT on the contingency framework list which means we will be open on Tuesday the 5th for children.
We have reviewed our arrangements for the start and end of the day and don’t feel that we could do anything more than we are at the moment. We are fortunate in having 3 entrances; many schools don’t have this luxury. Having different start and end times for different classes would make it incredibly difficult for parents with several children. So we need your help;
Firstly, we are asking that all adults dropping off children and collecting them ensure that they and their children socially distance from all other adults and children that are not in their bubble. We ask that you judge your arrival time so it is as close to the opening times as possible in this way you do not have to hang around for too long. This is particularly the case with the oldest children at the front of the school, many of whom walk to school on their own and are arriving 10-15 minutes before the gates are opened. You know how long it takes for your child to walk to school so don’t let them leave the house before that time. Ideally people should be arriving and going straight in.
You will notice that the staff who do ‘meet and greet duties’ have been wearing face coverings and we ask you to do the same if you wish to talk to them briefly. However, most quick messages can be sent privately to the class teacher via Dojo or by ringing the school office and leaving a message. This will also help us get the children in and out more efficiently too, which will help everyone.
This also means that there can be no face to face meetings between parents/carers and staff. If you wish to discuss a matter with a member of staff; this will have to be by telephone. If you wish us to call you please send a note with your child or phone us on 01823 284897, send a message via Dojo or send an email to We will also not be allowing parents to collect other parents’ child/children.
Finally, we ask that you follow the Tier 4 rules (see below) so that the risk of transmission within the school community is kept as low as possible. We understand that your family will find these constraints difficult. For example not having friends round, missing birthday celebrations and not being able to do many activities. Please remember that if your child comes in contact with someone with the virus please inform us and they must self-isolate for ten days. This means limiting contact with the rest of the family and avoiding shared spaces such as bathroom and kitchen and cleaning surfaces after use. We recognise that this will be a major challenge so we want you to help us to help you by adapting some of our arrangements and asking you to follow Tier 4 rules at all times.
Which are:
Remember ‘Hands. Face. Space’.
hands – wash your hands regularly and for at least 20 seconds
face – wear a face covering in indoor settings where social distancing may be difficult, and where you will come into contact with people you do not normally meet
space – stay 2 metres apart from people you do not live with where possible, or 1 metre with extra precautions in place (such as wearing face coverings)
Early years settings, schools, colleges and universities open during term time. Registered childcare, other supervised activities for childcare purposes, and childcare bubbles permitted.
No household mixing, aside from support bubbles and two people meeting in public outdoor spaces.
You must not stay overnight away from home. Limited exceptions apply.
You must stay at home and only travel for work, education or other legally permitted reasons. If you must travel, you should stay local, and reduce the number of journeys you make. You must not leave a Tier 4 area or stay overnight away from home. Residents in Tiers 1 – 3 should not enter Tier 4 areas. Do not travel abroad if you live in a Tier 4 area unless an exemption applies.
You can leave your home to exercise by yourself, with your household or support bubble, or with one person from another household.
You can visit relatives in care homes with COVID-secure arrangements such as substantial screens, visiting pods, and window visits.
Hospitality closed, aside from sales by takeaway, drive-through or delivery.
Essential shops can open. Non-essential retail must close and can only open for click-and-collect and delivery.
Everyone must work from home unless they are unable to do so.
Indoor leisure, accommodation and personal care – closed.
Funerals of up to 30 people permitted. Wakes and other linked ceremonial events can continue in a group of up to six. Weddings of up to six can continue in exceptional circumstances.
Indoor entertainment closed. Some outdoor attractions may remain open.
Places of worship open for private prayer and communal worship but cannot interact with anyone outside household or support bubble.
The Clinically Extremely Vulnerable are advised to stay at home as much as possible, except to go outdoors for exercise or to attend health appointments.
The complete list can be found on if you want any further guidance.
We understand that this is difficult. Please remember that the staff also have personal lives and families and are having to make the same sacrifices so, it is heart-breaking when children come in a talk excitedly about sleepovers etc: or staff are verbally abused because a parent doesn’t want to follow the systems we are asking everyone to follow for ALL of our safety. I am not sure that I would have ever believed that I would be expected to lead a school through such a difficult and demanding set of circumstances but it is here and we have to deal with it as best we can. A little patience and kindness can go a long way. Please contact your child’s teacher or the office if you have any concerns or queries. I can’t promise that we will give you the answer that you want but we always try to accommodate as much as we can.
Thank you in advance for your cooperation with these changes.
Yours sincerely
Carolone Lancey
Posted on: 18/12/2020A message from Caroline Lancey
Dear Parents/Carers,
Welcome to our final newsletter of 2020. I have to say I don't think any of us would have predicted how the year would have turned out. I know it has been very disruptive and all of us have had to make sacrifices. However, the children have settled and it appears that they are catching up the ground they have missed. Don't under estimate the impact you have, keep reading with them daily, help them with their number bonds or times tables. Over the holidays watch some of the lovely children's programmes that are based on well-known children's books, then talk about what they have seen, ask questions about how characters are feeling or why they did what they did. Giving reasons for their thoughts is something we are working on in school. Get them to write a thank you note or two.
So what has Christmas been like in school, has it been no Christmas post, no Carol Concert, No Nativity, no Christmas Lunch or Party. You would think so....especially when I came across this:
No Nativity this year as the 3 Wise Men face a travel ban.
The Shepherds have been furloughed.
The Inn Keeper has shut under tier 3 regulations and has had a slump in bookings.
Santa won't be working as it would break the rule of 6 with Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Vixen, Donner and Blitzen.
As for Rudolph, with that red nose he should be self-isolating and taking a test!
I hope it made you smile, it did me. But we have managed to do everything we normally would, albeit in a different format. I know that we had a few technological problems with the evening performance of the Nativity so, thank you for sticking with it. I hope you agree it was worth it.
The Advent calendar has been brilliant, it has been a joy to watch and I know that a lot of the classes look forward to sharing it each day.
We have ended the year with a really positive monitoring visit from our Trust leads. We know we have things to still work on but the overriding message in the report is that we are on the up, behaviour throughout the school is good, learning is much better and the children are getting a better and more interesting curriculum.
One of the things I tell children is that school isn't just about learning Maths and English it is also about learning to be a grown up. Being at a certain place at a certain time, turning up even when you don't want to and being dressed the way you are expected to be. You can help massively with this.
I have noticed that there are an increasing number of children wearing training shoes to school. I know that shops have been closed lately so I understand it has been difficult. However, we are about to have two weeks off and the shops are now open so when we reopen in January I am expecting ALL children to be in correct school uniform. This includes black shoes. (The school uniform is out lined on the parent page of the website).
Can I also remind you that this also means shoulder length hair should be tied up. It shouldn't be any shorter than a number 3 anywhere on the head. It should also be a natural colour.
Earrings should be studs and not loops. This is a safety issue as they can be easily caught especially in Forest School
I will finish by saying a huge thank you and well done to all the staff; all of whom work so hard and as a leader this is the best bit NEVER moan (well not when I am around anyway LOL). They have made the difficult situation bareable and more than workable for your children.
Have a very Happy Christmas, I wish you all well and I look forward to seeing all the children on Tuesday the 5th of January.