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A message from Caroline Lancey Posted on: 26/03/2021

A message from Caroline Lancey

It is hard to believe we have only been back for three weeks, the children have risen to the challenge of being back in school.  However, there is no doubt that many of them have found the days long and we have seen a noticeable decline in their stamina.  We have tried to keep school life as normal as possible and they have very quickly got back into the routine.  We loved the effort people went to for World Book Day and it was great to see how many people created their own costumes. We have some changes in staff.  Helen Woodhams is leaving us to work for the National Trust.  Rebeka Thompson who is currently on our staff and has done some work with them already will be taking them after Easter.  Miss Thompson currently spends Wednesday, Thursday and Friday mornings in Otter Class.  Mrs Powell-Thomas will be joined by Mrs Dee Alexander who is an experienced teacher and compliments Mrs PT very well.   Kayleigh Parsons is moving onto another nursery setting.  We wish them both well. We have also been joined by Jason Pike who is helping support children’s catch up in Maths and Chloe Bryant is doing the same but for English.  These have been a valuable addition to our team and are there purely to support the learning of the children. We are in the process of putting together our Easter Service which you will be able to access via Zoom.  We are planning to start clubs after Easter but these will have to be class based as government guidelines still say that children should stay in their bubbles.  This may mean that Sports Day will look different this year and it is likely that it will be only for the children. Whilst I appreciate that this is a little disappointing I am sure that you appreciate cancelling it completely would be a real blow for the children as it’s one of the memory-making school days. One of the new things we have been trying is to get volunteers to talk to the children about their jobs and how they became involved in it.  We have been really lucky that each class has had a zoom meeting with a volunteer that works with ICT as this half term’s focus is ‘What it is to work with Information Technology’.  The volunteers have talked about how they use computers and technology in their jobs and how they came to do it.  The children have really enjoyed having other adults coming to talk to them and the teachers have been impressed with the quality of the questions they have asked. We have also started a partnership with the probation service.  After the willow tree fell down we were left with lots of large chunks of wood.  We have used them to create seating in our willow dome, started a trim trail and demarcated areas within forest school.  They are also going to re-paint the outside of our forest school area which is currently covered in graffiti. We continue to live in the Arctic as the old heating system has been taken out and the new boiler has yet to be installed.  However, due to the current guidelines about having windows open to purge the air the children haven’t really noticed!!Categories: 1 CategorySchool News
Message from Caroline Lancey Posted on: 26/02/2021

Message from Caroline Lancey

Dear Parents and Carers, Welcome to our much shorter newsletter.  In reality it has only been 3 weeks since the last one and as I said last time you are probably more aware of what your child is doing and seeing more of the teachers than you would do normally. So, I haven’t asked the teachers to write a piece this time.  At the moment I am holding on to this thought: There was never a night or problem that could defeat sunrise or hope. These have been very dark times but we are beginning to see the sun rise and our positive and optimistic hope for the future will help us to get things back on an even keel.     We are all thrilled (and all the other words) that the children are coming back we have missed them dreadfully.  A school without children is like the ocean without fish.  Just too awful to imagine.  I will be sending out at the beginning of next week what the return will look like.  You may want to check that shoes and school uniform fit, as your child may have grown over the last few months.  This will give you just over a week to get them sorted out ready to start. It many ways it feels like another start of the year. This is Our Priorswood Promise to your children. We are incredibly proud of you   This last year has been exceptionally difficult. You have shown incredible resilience and adaptability. You have been selfless and put the needs of others before your own. You have made so many sacrifices and yet faced the challenges with strength and determination. There is much you’ve been told you’ve lost, including many weeks of your education, but there is much you have gained. You will emerge from this stronger. This may be the greatest challenge you have faced so far but it will not be the last. Next time you will find you have more resources and are better prepared (and even more so the time after that).   We are here for you  We know some of you will be worried about what the future holds. We want you to know we are here for you. We know you will need a chance to reconnect with your friends. We know you will need time and space to play and be active. We know you are desperate to get back to your sports/ music/art/acting and everything else that is so crucial to your development. We know that you are keen to get back to your academic studies in school as well. We know that evenings, weekends and holidays are as important as your time at school. We are committed to ensuring that your opportunities are balanced and wherever your passions lie you have the chance to pursue these.  We will be here to encourage you, support you, challenge and help you every step of the way.   You are the future  You are the future and that future is not written. There are challenges but there always have been and always will be: we know we will get through this together. We have complete faith in you. We want you to know that; more than anything. Do not let us or anyone else tell you what you can or can’t be. We don’t know. We cannot imagine what you will achieve. But we are so excited to see and be a part of it.  We are looking forward to seeing you on Monday the 8th and whatever happens next, it will just be another step in your journey. Categories: 1 CategorySchool News
Priorswood Primary School Challenge their pupils during the recent lockdown Posted on: 1/02/2021

Priorswood Primary School Challenge their pupils during the recent lockdown

Priorswood Primary School are determined to keep their children engaged in their learning during the recent national lockdown.  The school have been looking at different ways to entertain, motivate and encourage their pupils to stay busy and active.  One of Priorswoods popular initiatives has been arranged by Mrs Cullen, who has been setting PE and Forest School challenges each week using the online Dojo app, an app that connects their teachers, students and parents and allows them to communicate with one another.  During the first week back the school looked at Andy Goldsworthy, British sculptor, photographer and environmentalist who inspired art for forest school and last week they created their own stickmen inspired by the Julia Donaldson's story, ‘Stickman’.  Mrs Cullen has prepared challenge cards from the PE Hub which has three challenges and they can choose each week which challenge they would like to complete. The children are then asked to send in their pictures via dojo messenger showing themselves completing the activities.  Winners are chosen for each PE activity and a KS1 and KS2 winner is chosen for Forest School. To really motivate the children, winners are chosen for the best effort which is also announced on class DoJo and certificates and prizes are sent home as a special well done. The Redstart Learning Partnership are absolutely delighted to see the fantastic initiative Priorswood are offering their pupils at home and are delighted to see the children so engaged in the activities.  There are so many fabulous initiatives being offered by our other schools to our home educated pupils at this very difficult time.  It is great to see so many pupils engaging and enjoying the challenges.   Mrs Cullen from Priorswood Primary said “The children are really enjoying being able to continue their PE and Forest School activities whilst at home, I am loving seeing their smiley faces whilst completing the challenges and feel that being able to stay active and get outside is hugely beneficial for the children's mental health and wellbeing, Feedback from parents has been really positive and they feel their children are really enjoying the challenges which is fantastic”. Categories: 1 CategorySchool News

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