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A message from Mrs Carly Ellis Posted on: 24/10/2019

A message from Mrs Carly Ellis

We have had such a busy month!  Otter and Hedgehog classes have both produced great class assemblies this month.  Otter class shared everything they had learnt about their class animal and even wrote their own song.  Well done!  Hedgehog class shared all that they had learnt about their trip to Gore Farm.   We have trialled a different exit from the class assemblies which seems to be working more positively.  From now on, adults will exit through the main entrance doors and walk around the school to the classrooms while the children wait in the hall.  The children will then meet you back at the classroom where they will invite you into their class to share their learning with you.    KS2 have all been to Carymoor for their school trip which links to the launch of their curriculum focus for this term.  The children thoroughly enjoyed it and I am still being approached while I’m on duty outside by children telling me that I need to reuse, reduce and recycle!  We have had school photos this week.   We do hope you are pleased with them and would welcome any ideas you may have for the future. The Monster Bash was a real success and we will definitely be repeating the event next year!  Tremendous effort with the costumes – well done!  We are very lucky to have such dedicated staff and FOPS members.  I would like to thank them all for giving up their Friday evening to ensure the event ran smoothly.  If you have any ideas on how we can improve this event next year then please share them with me or a member of the FOPS team. After half term we will be in the run up to Christmas!  I personally can’t wait! I know I wrote this in the last newsletter but children must come into school with/wearing a coat every day.  Please could I remind you that children and adults should not be riding their bikes or scooters on the school site.  We would like to remind parents that the drive into school should not be used for anyone other than staff.  We have had a few complaints about vehicles reversing /turning, nearly causing injury to pedestrians.  Have a lovely half term and keep safe on Halloween! https://www.safekids.org/tip/halloween-safety-tips  Categories: 1 CategorySchool News
A message from Carly Ellis Posted on: 27/09/2019

A message from Carly Ellis

I hope the children have enjoyed their first few weeks back at school.  It is lovely to walk around the school and be greeted by lots of smiling faces.  It is also great to see nearly all the children wearing the correct uniform.  I know that there have been issues with low stock at the Taunton Uniform Shop but I am hoping that by half term everyone will be wearing a logo sweatshirt, grey trousers/skirts and correct PE T-shirt. All classes have been learning about their class animals and they have all created some wonderful work. Year 4 children have been learning to play the ukulele and Year 6 have started the year with their swimming sessions.  I’m sure you are hearing all about it! There are lots of exciting events coming up so don’t forget to put key dates from this newsletter in your diaries.  It’s not long now until our Monster Bash.  More details will follow soon. The weather is now changing so please can you make sure that your child/ren come to school with a coat.  Break times and lunchtimes will be outside unless the rain is heavy.  Unfortunately, parents’ evening that was scheduled on the ‘Calendar of Events’ for the 5th and 6th February has had to be moved to Tuesday 3rd March (early) and Wednesday 4th March (late).  In these meetings you will be given the mid-year report to inform you of your child’s progress so far.  Please note that these report cards will only be prepared for parents who are attending the parents’ Categories: 1 CategorySchool News

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