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Parent Update - 15th June 2020 Posted on: 15/06/2020

Parent Update - 15th June 2020

Dear Parents and Carers, Over the last two weeks, we have welcomed back children from Nursery, Reception, Year 1 and Year 6. It has been wonderful to see so many of you again and to see the confidence and ease in which your children have adapted to this new, temporary way of being in school. I’d like to thank all of you for respecting the new arrival and collection arrangements and to all of our school staff who have been so flexible in how they are approaching school at the moment. We feel very proud that we have been able to see so many of our children for even part of a school day. However, we are very aware that Priorswood, like all schools, is still a fractured community because of the pandemic. Many of you are choosing to keep your children at home and educate them using the resources that are provided for you and we support you in your decision. But there will be many of you who will have viewed last week’s announcement that the government has dropped its ambition for ALL school children to return before the summer with a sense of disappointment. You may have a child who is desperate to come back to school, but they do not fit into the year groups that have been chosen so far and the idea of your child not being able to return until September at the earliest is saddening. At school, we desperately want to see more of our children back with us, but as I’m sure you can understand, with current social distancing guidelines, the practicalities of this are difficult and we are awaiting further government guidance due to come to us next week, hopefully this will give us a clearer idea of any further adaptations/changes we can use. I want you to know that we are constantly working with our partner schools in the Redstart Trust by reviewing how we are operating at this time and we are constantly thinking, discussing and looking for ways of being able to invite more children to return to school. However, we have to make sure that the safety for our children and staff is the priority. Finally, we have been overwhelmed by messages of thanks and encouragement - it has genuinely made a difference to know we have your support, so thank you for the time you have taken to tell us so. Please continue to be patient with us and we will write to you again soon when there is more information that we can share.   Yours faithfully, Caroline Lancey Acting Head of SchoolCategories: 1 CategorySchool News

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