Posted on: 19/07/2022County Gazette ArticleHave you seen this amazing article about our school in this weeks County Gazette? Check it out here... 1 CategorySchool News
Posted on: 10/06/2022Young Artists CompetitionAs part of the Platinum Jubilee commemorations The Redstart Learning Partnership arranged an all-school Arts Competition to create Jubilee-themed artwork. The judging panel included Suzanne Flack (CEO of The Redstart Learning Partnership), Sue Lennox (a talented local artist who has created many amazing murals across the Trust schools), and Ethne Staniland (Trust Curriculum Lead for Art). The competition entries were exceptional and the judges had a very difficult task to choose the winners. Prizes were awarded for each year group (from Reception to Year 6), and the winning entries will have their work displayed at the Brewhouse Theatre, Taunton to coincide with the TRLP’s Performing art festival. Congratulations to our own Jessica!Categories: 1 CategorySchool News
Posted on: 26/05/2022EmotionsTake a look at Priorswood's latest display board with some familiar characters on it! We are looking forward to talking about emotions more with the children after half term! Mollie and Sian (OT Students)Categories: 1 CategorySchool News
Posted on: 26/05/2022A message from Carly EllisThis half term has whizzed by so fast! It has been action packed with SATs, class trips and Health Week that I am sure this holiday is going to be welcomed by all! Apologies for the cancellation of Sports Day yesterday. It has been the first year for many that we haven’t had beautiful sunshine. Well done to all our Year 6 and Year 2 children for completing their SATs which is a celebration of all their learning and perseverance during their time at Priorswood (so far). The children did exceptionally well to come as far as they have with all the challenges we have been faced with over the past few years. Most of the classes have now had some amazing visits to consolidate their learning. If your child’s class has not had a trip yet, watch this space! We have had a lot of external visitors into our school to do a variety of assemblies and workshops. They have all been really impressed with their welcome from both adults and children. We have posted their lovely comments on our Facebook page and school website ( I know we are not at the end of the academic year yet but I am very excited about the Autumn Term. We will be adding an extra class! We have a shuffle up morning on 6th July where children will find out which class they will be in and which adults they will be learning from. At the end of the school day, you will have the opportunity to meet the new class teacher in your child’s new class. The children will meet you as usual at the school gate and then your child will guide you to their new classroom. We have a few staffing updates. As you know, we said goodbye to our SENCo Mrs Ewins-Strowger at Easter and welcomed Mrs Hale to the team. Sadly, we say goodbye to Miss Wheeler, our Acting Nursery Manager and Miss Hawkins who has decided not to return from her maternity leave. Mrs Cullen will be leaving at the end of this academic year to have her first baby – very exciting! Mrs Gibbs will be our new Forest School Lead. You will have an opportunity to meet Mrs Gibbs on the 6th July. We are very excited that Mrs Davis will be returning from her maternity leave on 27th June but this means that sadly we will be saying goodbye to Mrs Coussell. Mrs Davis will be working alongside Mrs Cullen until the end of term. Lastly, Mr Murphy is getting married over half term so he will be seen with an addition on his finger when the children return from their holidays. It’s been great to see everyone wearing red, white and blue for our Jubilee celebrations today. We all hope that you have a lovely week and continue to enjoy all the festivities of the Jubilee. Categories: 1 CategorySchool News