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Message from the Trust
The last few weeks of term have been busy with lots of celebrations, trips and events to mark the end of the year. Our Y6 Leavers event hosted at Taunton school was a really lovely day which both staff and pupils enjoyed. This is going to be a regular event in the Trust diary.
We wish all our Y6 students every success for the future as they enter the next phase of their education. We love hearing about their achievements after they leave us so please do keep in touch and let us know how they are getting on.
Thank you for all the support you have given our schools over the year. It has been a challenging period, especially with staff absence due to covid, but our staff have been amazing covering absent colleagues, taking on extra roles and responsibilities and providing remote learning to make sure our pupils didn’t miss out. Thank you to each and every one of them for all the wonderful work they have done.
It looks as though the lovely weather might continue into the summer holidays. Wherever you are and whatever you are doing I wish you and your families a lovely summer break and look forward to seeing you all in the autumn.
Suzanne Flack, CEO.