Latest News
A message from Carly Ellis
Wow, what a term! We have so much to celebrate! As you are aware we received some great news from Ofsted. We are thrilled and I am very grateful for the team here at Priorswood. Their dedication and hard work has given the children a good foundation which they will build on in years to come. I am looking forward to driving further improvements. The school is in the best place it has been in for some time.
We have also received some more good news. The Trust held a public speaking event for all the schools in the Trust to take part in. Each school sent three children to speak about the impact children have on our environment. Our school was represented by Lesley, Izaak and Dinara in Year 6. The children did so well that they won!! Huge congratulations to the three of them and to our school! All the hard work and focus on our oracy this term has paid off!
We have also been competing in lots of sporting tournaments around town. Thank you to all the children who are representing us at these events. You are all doing us proud.
Please keep safe in the lead up to Christmas and remember to wash those hands. There are a lot of bugs around at the moment and they are hitting us with vengeance!
This is the last newsletter before we break up so I would like to take this opportunity to wish you all a wonderful Christmas and a happy New Year. I’m looking forward to a healthier start to the Spring Term!