Latest News
A message from Carly Ellis
Easter is here! We have had an amazing term with lots of performances, class assemblies and sports tournaments. Well done to all those involved.
As we said in the last newsletter, teachers will now be updating their dojo posts and the class website pages from now on.
I have been busy looking at the responses from the parent survey, and although it seems like a while ago, I have put together a written summary which has been uploaded to Dojo. It provides findings and also explain how we are going to further improve our school. Your views are considered and acted upon so please do share these in future surveys or in passing.
Thank you to parents and carers who are respecting our drive – it is hugely appreciated. Please be reassured that children’s best interests and safety are at the heart of all that we do.
I hope everyone has a fabulous Easter break and I look forward to hearing all about the children’s adventures on their return (Tuesday 18th April).