Latest News
A message from Carly Ellis
March already? It always surprises me how quickly the school year passes! We have spent much time since our inspection in November, reflecting on the comments made in the report and discussions that took place during the two days. We have made lots of positive changes in children’s wider development and have an established School Council Team as well as a Well-being Team – both of which were in their infancy when Ofsted visited. Mrs Fitzsimmons and Mrs Tanner are doing a great job at leading these teams. We are also looking at our curriculum and how we can enhance this further.
In reflection to our recent Parent Survey, we have made many decisions which will improve our school further. Thank you to all the parents who completed the survey and left comments. The comments left, allow us to understand some of the outcomes more clearly, so thank you. We will send a comment out on Dojo shortly with all the survey findings and our actions to improve. However, seeing as I am writing in the newsletter, I would like to share the responses to the question, ‘Which of the following do you find the most useful methods of communication from school?’ 90% of parents said that they find Dojo the most useful method. Only 5% of parents have said that the monthly newsletter is a useful method of communication. We have had similar feedback for some time now and have persevered. However, in future, you will receive the monthly newsletter with all the information you would normally receive except the class information which will continue to be uploaded to Dojo and then placed on the class pages on the website.
I am looking forward to all the Easter festivities which you will share with you are soon as they are confirmed.