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Message from Caroline Lancey, Acting Head of School
Dear All,
We have had another busy month. Mr Ripley has started a new Twitter feed and there has been a great response to it. In fact, we are increasingly getting positive responses to a lot that is happening in school. This is great and I am glad that more and more of you are feeling positive about the school. It was really bought home to me when I received this lovely e-mail message from Pedro’s mum, who sadly has had to return to Spain:
I would like to thank everybody as Pedro is so happy here since the very first day. He has been enjoying the school every minute that he has been here and he loves it...his favourite one ever.
it is very sad for him and for me to have to leave but it is the best thing for us at this moment.
I would like you to thank everybody because all of you made him love learning, reading, writing, sport, forest school...he loves everything you do at this school and that makes him be sad today but he had very wonderful moments sharing with his teachers and friends that I think
he will never forget...
I am sure that, as a school, we have really turned a corner, we just need to get that message out to the wider community. Schools are often living on a reputation that is several years out of date both positive and negative.
Several children had their work form part of a display for Remembrance at St Andrews, which was lovely. It was great to see so many spotty creations last week for Children in Need. It was good to be able to raise money for such a good cause but also it allowed the children to feel a responsibility to their wider community. Badger Class have been working with an artist this week. The theme of the art work is nocturnal animals and will be part of the Winter Wanderland displays in the area. All the other children will have an opportunity do their own art work in this style with Mrs Cullen next week. We are hoping that you can put your child’s work up in one of your windows for your neighbours to enjoy; you could use it as inspiration and add to it. In these difficult times wrapping up warm and going for a walk to see these wonderful windows is a great way to entertain the children. In my house we used to call it ‘A no money fun day!’ There will be lots of houses decorated beautifully for Christmas as well to look at.
The roof is now finished and the scaffolding is coming down so, hopefully we won’t be having the unwanted attention any more. The heating work is continuing which is great as we now have hot water in most of the classes.
We are now getting ready for the build up to Christmas. Next week the winter displays will be up. This year the story is ‘The Gruffalo’s Child’ which has a wonderful wintery feel. The younger ones are preparing for the nativity; all the classes are practising things to share with you on the Advent calendar. There is also the Christmas lunch, Movie night and the end of term party. Phew it has made me tired just writing it.