Latest News
A Message from Carly Ellis
Christmas is here! I am so looking forward to the holiday and spending time with my family. I am sure you’ll all be busy with the lead up but hopefully you’ll all get some rest afterwards!
School is the place to be at Christmas. The children have enjoyed lots of treats this week. They have made some cakes, sung around the Christmas tree, been creative in making cards and calendars, performed in the nativity, enjoyed a festive dinner with crackers and had a Christmas party. The biggest treat of all was the pantomime and a visit from Santa who gave each child a gift. They will have so much to tell you this week!
I’m looking forward to the new year and continuing on the journey we are on. We have made so much progress and we will continue to do so next year. I hope you have all managed to watch the virtual tour. The children were fantastic and said exactly what they thought about their school when asked. It’s great to know that the children feel this way about Priorswood. It must be lovely for you all to watch what is happening in school as you have had to keep a distance for so long now.
Well, I’m going to keep it short and sign off now. I hope you all have a great rest and look after yourselves! I’m not sure what January will bring but plans are in place should we need to do any remote learning. Fingers crossed we won’t and I’ll see you all on 5th January. Have a Happy Christmas and a wonderful New Year!