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A message from Carly Ellis
A message from Carly Ellis
Welcome back to the Spring Term; the children have settled in well. This month has thrown us some challenges. However, I am incredibly proud at how well the team has pulled together. For those of you that do not have children in Owl and Badger Class, we have had a shift in staffing. Mrs Woodhams, our Reception teacher, is now working with Badger Class and we currently have Mrs Moore teaching Reception until Easter and then Mrs Rushe teaching for the rest of the year.
We have been working hard to develop our curriculum and we will soon have completed our first theme of Explorers across school with a focus on History. Our next theme is Inventors and Inventions with a Design and Technology focus. The children are really enjoying the new delivery of the curriculum , are remembering more and making connections.
The children are also enjoying the new way in which they are recording their leaning. We have been trialling Learning Journals instead of Topic Books. Learning Journals are books which children record their thinking in more creative ways. Any practical learning is then recorded in a Floor Book. Please pop into your child’s class and have a peek at the learning that your child has done so far and let us know your thoughts.
It is a shame that we were unable to go ahead with Campfire Capers. However, we hope the children enjoyed their film evening as a replacement. Not all groups managed to complete their film last night but they were given the opportunity to complete it today. Looking forward, we are considering holding the Campfire Capers in the Autumn Term when the weather is a little dryer and holding a Valentines Disco instead of a Monster Bash. Let the FOPS team know if you have any thoughts on this.
Unfortunately we are getting some complaints from residents about the parking on the main road. Please can you be considerate and follow the road markings. The somerset.gov website states the following: ‘We enforce on-street parking restrictions to improve road safety for all road users, to improve the flow of traffic, and to make sure emergency vehicles and public transport can travel without obstruction or delay. If you would like to report a vehicle parked in contravention of parking restrictions, please phone our enforcement contractor NSL on 01823 219035 or email somersetparkingenquiries@nsl.co.uk’