Latest News
A message from Carly Ellis
I cannot believe that it is the last day of term! This half term has whizzed by – and what a half term it has been! Thank you all for your support at all our Christmas events, especially the Fair. We raised over £600! Thank you to all the hard work of the FOPS team and to those who helped out on the day. We have a really dedicated team at Priorswood, including the teaching staff and none of this would be possible without everyone working together.
The Nativity was a success; a great way to start off the Christmas festivities. The Gazette came in to take a photograph of all the children. If you haven’t seen the picture, you can view/purchase a copy of it by following this link countygazette.co.uk/photosales or call 01823 365151.
This week we have enjoyed a Christmas lunch and a party day to celebrate the end of term. Thank you for all your food donations – the children had a feast! We have also enjoyed the Carol Service at St Andrews Church. Although there was a technical issue, the children sang beautifully and did well to share their narrator parts. The choir also performed for the Wellesley Street residents and at Lock House retirement home.
We held our first parent drop in sessions this month. Please share your thoughts on these sessions. I know that it can be quite a challenge to get around all the classes if you have several children attending school. However, if you would like to make an appointment to come in and see your child’s books at another time then please arrange this with the class teacher.
Some staffing news – Lin Collins was very surprised by her kind gifts that were presented to her during an assembly by Helen Marks. She thanks everyone for their kindness. Margaret Greenslade is semi-retiring after 25 years of service at Priorswood. We will still be seeing her around as she will be continuing to work with our Nursery for a few hours a week. We hope she enjoys the rest of her time off!
Finally, I wish you all a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Enjoy spending time together as a family and cherish those dear to you.